On paper this didn't look to be too tough of a day. Cerro Summit at 7,950 feet and Blue Mesa Summit at 8,704 feet were less then the first two days and no where near the last two 12K summits. Like the games of sport, the day was not played out on paper.
We rolled out into a nasty headwind on a route that went up hill the first 15 miles. Nothing like 1700 plus riders riding along at 12 mph or less. I found a decent tempo early and attempted to maintain it to the top of the first climb.
I said I tried, but did not, or could not keep a steady pace. Halfway up that first climb I started to suffer. The legs were heavy and turning the pedals wwere a real chore.
Tim dropped back a bit stating he just wasn't feeling it yet. It didn't take him long to "feel it." In classic Tim fashion he blew past me midway up Cerro and reached the top first. He was focused and motivated as he glided past......
The two climbs didn't have amazing summits, but the views on the way up and down were fantastic. They provided some longer switchbacks that this Midwest Flatlander loves. They give you instant feedback, well as instant as something can be at 10 mph, when you can look back and see where you came from. Not to mention the long line of riders still trudging up the climb.
The payoff for today was Crested Butt and an OFF DAY. I know Tim will cover that well and leave it to him. We had a great time in CB for sure.
those switchbacks.

Tim wait for me!!!!
Full zip.... so pro!