Once checked in we unloaded the car, parked it, and made our way into the grade school. The gym was full, but we found space in a hallway corner. For the next 7 days our accommodations would be similar.

Tim gave his bike once last check up before securing it to a fence then we were off to bed.

**Well, this is not really his bike for the BTC, but it was someones. How crazy is that?!?!
We have not climbed many mountain passes, zero for me, but we at least did some research to know you must get up early and get over the pass before noon. After that time the weather is extremely unpredictable and nasty. With this knowledge were up at 6am in the cold rain ready to tackle day one.

I did not take too many pictures once we got rolling. It was raining. I was excited and nervous. I really just wanted to focus on staying with Tim and getting up AND over my first mountain pass.
McClure Pass is not a long climb compared to the others we rode during the BTC. However, the ride gradually ascended all the way to mile 35. The last 4 or 5 miles of the climb is where the fun started. It was a consistent 8% grade at this point with a couple of switchbacks. The road had a real nice "mountain" feel to it.